The Ghost Of Love

Remember Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore ? Well, this is NOT so it.... Diving into the sea of hope searching for the lost pearls of soul..

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Location: Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia

sweating from a monotonous confusions and lack of possible recovery...

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

A Simple Wish

Yes, we have parted. A long time ago I may add. As to why does I'm still occasionaslly thinking of you, I do not know. Might be I'm really thinking of the time soent together and not really all about you. It's more to about us. Us as one in the past. Maybe the ripples of the past clashes with the current time and brings you, or 'us' to my mind now and again.

Well come to think of it, it's not bad at all for me. Come and go the memories, it still wouldn't change anything now. What's done is done. Nothing could ever fix it. Strangely, I'm still wondering of your well-being, your health and your current state of condition right now. God knows where you are now. No, I'm not going to be like looking for you or in a hunt or something. I'm just curious to know.

Care? Maybe. Maybe that feeling still existed and never will perished. I mean,why not? Can't I care for someone I've known and even loved before? And if care is love, then it should be noted that now it is not as love existed between lovers but more to like family. Yes, you are my family, my friend and sometimes my worst enemy.(hahaha)

I remember the walks we had together.(Why the hell do people have walks together? i think now). But nevertheless, back then, it was like, should i describe it? Somewhat like the lovers ritual. Strolling down the beaches in the evenings. Dressing up in joggers but never did the jog. Well, you are too slow for me anyway. So might as well walk than jog. And if that is not enough, we would go for movies and dinner afterwards.

Our usual treats would be ais kacang and fried cakue. Then followed with the usual main course, ikan bakar, tomyam, chilli squids and sometimes kerang rebus. Ahh..not to forget the home made otak-otak which is hard to find now. We used to bring back some home them too.

The only reason we had those activities, the walks, the eat-outs and stuff are just excuses to be together. And when it all turns sour and bitter, there's no need to do them. No need to be together. No more rituals of the lovers. Just empty space, tears and memories.

But that's all in the past now. A past came suddenly to me right now. It is today December 14 2004 and within weeks the new near will rush in. At this moment, as your memories lingers in my mind, I have but one simple wish for you. That you will always be love and cared for by someone who will do better than I did in the past. Beacuse I think you deserved more than I gave you. Happy new year in advance!!