The Ghost Of Love

Remember Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore ? Well, this is NOT so it.... Diving into the sea of hope searching for the lost pearls of soul..

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Location: Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia

sweating from a monotonous confusions and lack of possible recovery...

Saturday, July 24, 2004


I’m always here
At the beginning of the end
Trying to find a place and a stand
Why I’m here I don’t understand…
Could it be I’m just a haunting ghost?
Living in a dead world
Screaming for help but no one listens
Bleeding in pain dreaming of heaven
Or just confused of nothing but self pity ness
Lack of everything and every senses
Never I hold my future in my hands
My body only consumes boredom
Yet my heart wanting freedom
I’m a walking lost ghost
I’m just a failure-infected host.